How we make a difference
Our vision is to protect your vision. Combining our passion for teaching with our years of medical experience provides our community with the tools to protect their vision and their lives.
WE know eyes
We know that the eyes are a window into the functions of the human body. But sometimes, we don’t realize just how much they can tell us.
A diabetic and senior citizen Lynn, went to her ophthalmologist for her annual comprehensive checkup. Upon dilation, Lynn’s specialist noticed a small cholesterol clot in her retina. After further evaluation by her primary care team, it was revealed that Lynn had three potentially fatal clots in her body. As it turns out, that routine eye exam saved Lynn’s life.
Frequently asked questions
- A convenient, one-stop, trusted resource for all matters pertaining to eyes and health.
- A beneficial system for patients (healthcare consumers) and doctors (healthcare providers) alike.
- A new approach to cost-efficient and accountable care.
- An alliance between patients, physicians, and the community
- Patient Resources
– Raises awareness of the role the eye-body relationship plays in the prevention of blindness and the promotion of wellness.
– Offers tools to patients to ensure that they receive the care that they deserve. - Physician Resources
– Keeps doctors up to date on the latest news in the world of eyes and health. - Community Education
– Educates communities in partnership with organizations such as Lions Club International to foster understanding about a common cause – the preservation of eyes and health.
- To allow patients and doctors to overcome medical misinformation online.
- To resolve the general lack of understanding about the types of eye exams and their importance.
- To effectively prevent medical errors.
- Healthy Eye, Healthy ITM saves lives (see our patient testimonials).
- Improves quality of eye and healthcare patients receive.
- Utilizes new methods to make healthcare more cost-efficient.
- Increases patient satisfaction and compliance.